SA Dairyfarmers' Association


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Cows 1

Employer of Choice – Best practice people management on farm.

AgriFutures has contracted Inspire AG to deliver this exciting initiative in collaboration with project partners, the University of Melbourne, AgInnovate, and The Capacity Co. The purpose of the project is to conduct research to understand what farmers across Australia are currently doing in people management and to explore ways to enhance on-farm people management capabilities. We are eager to engage with farm businesses that employ staff to explore how the project outcomes can support farm leaders and managers in attracting, developing, and retaining people effectively.

You are invited to participate in an online survey

Drivers and inhibitors of value addition to agricultural products

Federation University, Australia are seeking support in an online survey as part of a Ph.D. research project on increasing value addition to Australian agricultural products. The aim is to understand the farmers' perception of adding value to their agricultural products, which will provide opportunities for farm diversification, employment, and increasing income in the regional areas.

Your role as a farmer is crucial in this research, and your insights will significantly contribute to the success of this project.


BJD Biosecurity Survey

The Dairy ManaJD program, a voluntary herd testing program in which more than 90% of SA dairy herds participated, with over 70% of SA Dairy ManaJD herds were tested negative, based on whole herd individual blood tests and maintenance tests every 2 years.

Under the J-DAS program, these herds have a Dairy Assurance Score of 7 or 8. SADA is working with PIRSA, the Cattle Industry Fund and the dairy industry to support the continued delivery of the Dairy ManaJD program and the enhancement of Dairy Farm Biosecurity practices.

If we could take a couple minutes of your time, to fill out this quick 4 question survey, so SADA can access all the relevant information to continue the great work SA has done to ensure our great BJD free status remains.

Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper

The State Planning Commission (the Commission) have released a Discussion Paper for the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan and want to hear from community, councils and industry on how we prepare for future growth. The Regional Plan will shape the Greater Adelaide region for the next 30 years and determine where houses and jobs go and how people will live as our population grows.

This input will help us draft the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan which will replace the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide

Developing a Biosecurity Bill for South Australia

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) is undertaking consultation on a new Biosecurity Bill for South Australia. The proposed Bill will introduce a new framework and concepts to manage biosecurity risks and impacts in South Australia, including a general biosecurity duty which is to apply across government, industry and the community more broadly.

Independent Review of the Landscape SA Act 2019

An independent review into the operation and effectiveness of South Australia’s Landscape Act will be undertaken in line with the requirements of section 249 of the Act. Feedback will be used by the Independent Reviewer to develop a report containing recommendations for the Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Water to consider.

Please ensure you have read the discussion paper prior to taking the survey.

The survey should take approximately 15 - 20 minutes to complete. Survey Closes 23 October 2023.

Farm powered: a survey about renewables on farm

Renewable energy and storage is a big issue for farmers in Australia right now, both on-farm and beyond the farm gate. Farmers for Climate Action are keen to better understand how farmers see renewable energy working for your business and your community, and how on-farm electrification can best benefit farmers and the energy system.

Your participation in our survey will directly inform the policies and solutions that Farmers for Climate Action will push for with governments, planning authorities and energy companies. We want to make sure farmer voices are front and centre in these conversations.


Access and connectivity to the Internet - CLOSED

SADA is urging all it's Members to get involved and share your views on how important connectivity is to you and your business by: sharing your story.

The Government of South Australia is seeking your views to support the development of its connectivity strategy to ensure South Australians can benefit from improved internet and mobile phone services.