Day 1: Welcome and overview
Day 2 to 4: SADA: Research and produce a submission, sit in on at least 3 meetings including a SADA Board Meeting, Government or PPSA meeting, and a peak body meeting.
Day 5 to 7: Dairy SA: Assist with the planning of and delivery of a Dairy Discussion Group/Workshop or related Dairy SA event. Attend farm visits with and Extension Officer and attend planning meetings as appropriate.
Days 8 to 10: Dairy SAFE: Assist in policy development, regulatory analytics, communication and engagement.
SA accounts for approximately 6% of Australia’s milk and almost a billion dollars in generated revenue, the South Australian dairy industry is well positioned to target the premium end of the national and international market. SA’s dairy industry consistently produces a product which is demonstrably of a higher standard than the rest of the country and SA milk is highly valued by processors for both its quality and record high butterfat and protein values.
Dairy SA is one of eight Dairy Australian regional dairy teams. Dairy SA is funded by Dairy Australia through the dairy service levy allowing Dairy SA to delivers regional information and activities that support South Australian farm profitability and sustainability. Dairy SA is committed to delivering regionally focused, farmer driven, practical activities and information to dairy farmers and on-farm staff and the performance and production of dairy herds and focuses its efforts on communicating research and extension to SA dairy farmers to increase profitability and sustainability of the dairy industry.
SA Dairyfarmers Association (SADA) Since 1936 The South Australian Dairyfarmers Association (SADA) has been the peak body for South Australian dairy farmers, with dairy farmer members and their issues being the key focus. SADA represents and provides advocacy for dairy farmers on a range of issues to both state and local government, the dairy industry generally and the wider community. SADA are also actively involved in positive policy development and industry development initiatives. Through SADA dairy farmers have a strong voice locally in South Australia and also nationally with the Australian Dairy Farmers Ltd.
Dairysafe is the trading name of the ‘Dairy Authority of South Australia’, the statutory body that administers the South Australian dairy food safety scheme. The role of Dairysafe is to ensure that South Australian dairy products are safe for consumers by ensuring they are produced by an accredited business operating in accordance with an approved food safety arrangement that specifies compliance with Australia’s food safety standards at each point in the production process. Dairysafe achieves this by applying the Food Safety Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) food standards at each point of the dairy production process. Dairy farmers, transporters of raw milk and processors of milk products are all required to be accredited with Dairysafe and undergo regular auditing to ensure compliance with the standards.