SA Dairyfarmers' Association


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Media Releases

September 23, 2024
Beston placed into voluntary administration

Beston Global Food Company has announced that on Friday it appointed KPMG as voluntary administrators following "a perfect storm of adverse events in recent times".

"Beston went into COVID with relatively little debt and came out the other side with ...

June 25, 2024
Mandating Food and Grocery Code a win for dairy farmers

Australia’s peak dairy farmer representative body says making the Food and Grocery Code (FGC) mandatory will benefit dairy farmers and create a level playing field for all suppliers.The Federal Government yesterday committed to implementing all 11 recommendations contained ...

February 01, 2024
Lower River Murray levees flood recovery funding agreement
Senator the Hon Murray Watt Minister for Emergency Management Susan Close MP South Australian Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water

The Albanese and Malinauskas Governments are partnering to progress critical remediation works to government-owned levees in ...

June 13, 2023

The Albanese Government is turbo-charging Australia’s agricultural traceability systems, with $11 million in government grants available to make it easier for farmers to get their goods to consumers and overseas markets.

The Government will fund $6 million for innovative ...

February 09, 2023
Robert Brokenshire takes the helm at SA Dairyfarmers

The South Australian Dairyfarmers Association is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Brokenshire as President of SADA. The appointment follows the recent resignation of John Hunt as President after six years.

Robert is a dairy farmer from Mount ...

February 03, 2023
John Hunt stands down as SADA President

After more than a decade on the Board and the past six at the helm, President John Hunt has announced his decision to step away from the board, allowing him to concentrate on family and new business ventures.

November 22, 2022
New faces on the SADA board

SADA welcomed three new board members at its 86th Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 15 November 2022 in its offices at Glandore.

Gary Zweck is returning after a four year stint on the Dairy SA board. Gary runs a ...

November 18, 2021
SADA Board Reinstated

The SA Dairyfarmers' Association Board has been announced to carry the organisation forward for another twelve months.

There were positions in the South East and Central regions up for election at the association's annual general meeting on 17 November ...

October 15, 2021
SADA Backs LPAC Process

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) fully supports the Levy Poll Advisory Committee (LPAC) in relation to its work reviewing the dairy industry's levy.

In July the LPAC recommended a poll be conducted of all dairy farmers to determine ...

September 10, 2021
SA Alpha Traceability Trial Launched

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) alpha traceability trial is officially underway.

Cutting-edge technologies will be used to improve supply chain visibility and industry transparency as part of the trial, which was officially launched by SA Minister for Primary Industries ...

September 08, 2021
SADA Welcomes National Traceability Guidelines

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) welcomes the release of national traceability guidelines.

The guidelines were announced during yesterday’s (7 September) meeting of the National GS1 Traceability Advisory Group (NGTAG), where Australian Government Senator Susan McDonald officially released the Australian ...

August 26, 2021
2021 SA Dairy Award Winners

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) has recognised several outstanding members of the industry at SA dairy’s night of nights.Bool Lagoon’s Andrew Cavill, Jamie Nietschke from Moppa and Meningie’s Timothy Wright were named SADA-sponsored award winners at the South Australian ...

November 12, 2019
Thanks Pauline but cool your jets

The South Australian Dairy Association (SADA) expresses its thanks to Senator Pauline Hanson for her concerns regarding the dairy industry in Australia by recommending a floor price however, her concern if enacted, would do more harm than good to dairy ...

October 29, 2019
SADA Welcomes Draft of Mandatory Code

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) welcomes the release of the Exposure Draft of the Dairy Industry (Mandatory) Code circulated by the Commonwealth Government.

In a 2018 report the ACCC was highly critical of the imbalance in market power ...

May 21, 2019
SADA Congratulates Successful SA Candidates

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) congratulates all successful candidates in the weekend’s federal election.

The successful candidates from both the House of Representatives and the Senate have a duty to represent the best interests of our state and SADA ...

April 12, 2019
Animal Liberationists Day of Action 8 April 2019

Animal Liberation organisations have become more active in recent times and there is credible information that some of these organisations are planning a day of action for 8 April 2019.

At this stage the activity seems to be concentrated on ...

February 19, 2019
The Art of Milk Supply

The picture presented by the milk supply chain in Australia isn’t a pleasant landscape, it has all the coherence of a Salvador Dali painting crashing into a Picasso.

Surrealism and cubism are distortions of reality and the milk supply chain ...

March 15, 2018
Media Release: Pre Election Commitments

The South Australian Dairyfarmers Association has pronounced judgement on the major party’s responses to the major issues affecting dairy farmers prior to the next SA election.We sent out letters discussing areas that concerned SADA to Labor, Liberal, SA Best and ...

February 15, 2018
Media Release: MDB What Now

The last week has been filled with commentary and vitriol regarding the Murray Darling Basin Planand its fate. South Australian dairy farmers are the last productive users of Murray River waterbefore it heads into the Coorong. The water is important ...

February 02, 2018
Media Release: Policy Release 2018 Election

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) today released their policy statement and calledupon all political parties in SA to adopt them.The simple policy document is not a comprehensive charter regarding all issues that face the industry todaybut rather matters that ...

May 25, 2017
You're Not Listening

The South Australian Dairyfarmers Association today expressed bewilderment at the arrogance of the Weatherill government

“Trust us on looking after children who are wards of the state you said, and yet you failed them, trust us on looking after older south ...

May 22, 2017
Social License Needed Before Drilling Commences

The South Australian Dairyfarmers Association today agreed with the Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull‘s conclusion that natural gas companies need a social license to drill for gas in some of the most pristine and premium farmlands in the world.

Comments by the ...

October 10, 2016
SA Milk in Hospitals

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) is concerned that South Australian government run hospitals are importing milk from interstate and overseas.

The use of local milk allows ailing South Australian to have access to the freshest milk to assist in ...
September 08, 2016
Where to next for Dairy Symposium

The South Australian dairy industry was represented by SADA (the South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association) at the recent Dairy Symposium held in Melbourne. But where to now?

SADA President, John Hunt highlighted that it was pleasing that all state dairy ...