SADA Board Reinstated
The SA Dairyfarmers' Association Board has been announced to carry the organisation forward for another twelve months.
There were positions in the South East and Central regions up for election at the association's annual general meeting on 17 November.
Positions were filled by currently sitting members Nick Brokenshire, Ben McHugh and John Hunt, who was returned as SADA's President for a sixth consecutive term.
Mr Brokenshire will continue as Vice President and Mr McHugh replaces Rick Gladigau as Treasurer.
Mr Hunt said he was proud to continue leading SADA.
"This is a very exciting time to be part of very exciting industry," he said.
"Between the traceability trial and our soon-to-be released 2022 election platform, this is a great time to be part of SA's dairy industry.
"SADA's members and its staff are constantly working to better the industry and to provide top quality dairy products.
"I'm honoured to be continuing on as President."
It was also announced at the AGM that SADA CEO Andrew Curtis - who is currently also employed as the Livestock SA CEO - will be resigning from Livestock SA to focus solely on his role with SADA.
"I have very much enjoyed my time managing both organisations over the last five and-a-half years and I feel they have both grown and achieved much in that time," he said.
"My agricultural roots are in dairy and I'm excited about being able to give SADA my full focus.
"I believe this is the best decision for both organisations and I wish Livestock SA all the best as it moves forward."
Mr Curtis said the board was comprised of dedicated members passionate about representing dairy producers across South Australia.
“This group has served the industry diligently throughout this difficult COVID-19 pandemic and that will continue over the next 12 months,” he said.