SA Dairyfarmers' Association


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Cows 1

2023 Strategic preparation for Murray River Swamp inundation

The Grant is to assist the Recipient engage with Lower Murray Private Irrigation Trusts to best prepare each Trust to remain operational during and after an inundation event, and will engage with the Trust manager and identified contractors following an inundation event.

Water Reference Group

Productivity Commission (PC): National Water Reform Inquiry 2024
Australian Government – Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water (DCCEEW): Future National Water Agreement 2024.

Murray Darling Basin Plan

MDB Water Sub Committee
This committee will work together to bring united direction in policy and strategy for the dairy industry in the future negotiations regarding the Murray Darling Basin Plan and development in the Basin.
The ADIC Board at its meeting held 3 November 2022 has agreed to suspend the ADIC water taskforce and support the establishment of a Dairy Industry Water Technical Reference Group. This will provide the fact based, technical and advisory input into water policy development across all water resources.