The South Australian dairy industry, dairy processors and PIRSA developed the Dairy ManaJD program in 2004 based on a National Dairy Assurance Scoring system for Johne’s disease in Australian dairy herds. The SA Dairy ManaJD (pronounced “Dairy Managed”) program was funded by the SA Cattle Industry Fund.
The program was designed in partnership with dairy food processors, SA dairy veterinary practitioners, the Dairy Authority of SA, and PIRSA.
The vision for Dairy ManaJD was to implement effective management of Johne’s disease in the South Australian dairy industry to improve on farm productivity, trade access and product quality through a quality management approach.
In South Australia, all Dairy Assurance Scores have been based on:
• Full herd blood tests, with follow-up of any reactors
• Annual audits
• Biennial maintenance or Check Tests
• Individual Certificates issued to producers