Dairy Industry Code
Closing Date: 15 March 2024.
The Code was introduced in January 2020. The aim of the Code is to improve the clarity and transparency of trading arrangements between dairy farmers and buyers.
The Code legislates two review periods for 2021 and before the end of 2026. The Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes – Dairy) Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Regulation 2023 amended subsection 6(9) of the Dairy Industry Code regulations to extend the timeframe for a report to be provided to the Treasurer on the second review of the Code by three years. From ‘on or before 31 December 2023’ to ‘on or before 31 December 2026.’ The commencement date of the second review of ‘on or after 1 January 2023’ has not changed.
In May 2021, the Australian Government conducted the first review.
The first review report, released in March 2022, found that the Code was working as intended. It also made three recommendations for improvement.
This consultation is seeking feedback on the topics raised in Recommendation 3 of the first review of the Code. The feedback that you provide will help us identify ongoing issues in Australia’s dairy industry. This feedback will inform the second review of the Code.
Responding to this survey is your opportunity to Have Your Say on issues with the Dairy Industry Code, as identified in Recommendation 3 of the first review of the Code.
Read the discussion paper, make a written submission, take the survey or both.
South Australia Climate Change Risk Assessment - Stakeholder Adaptation Survey
SADA invites you to participate in the Climate Change Adaptation Survey, a key component of South Australia’s first state-wide Climate Change Risk Assessment. This survey aims to better understand the climate change adaptation actions underway in South Australia, the gaps and barriers to responding to climate risks and opportunities, and to learn from you about the challenges and success of real-world adaptation projects.
We know that your time is important, and we appreciate your commitment in sharing your experiences. Together, we can make a significant difference in addressing the challenges posed by climate change and help make sure the important efforts underway in South Australia are accurately reflected in the South Australian Climate Change Risk Assessment.
Please provide your responses to SADA by 15th of March to ensure our submission can be lodged by the due date.
The survey can be accessed here: South Australian Climate Change Risk Assessment – Stakeholder Adaptation Survey
Review of the Animal Welfare Act
The South Australian Government is undertaking a review of the Animal Welfare Act(External link) and you are invited to share your perspectives on animal welfare, how the current laws are working and how they might be improved.
You don’t need to have specialist knowledge or interest in animals or animal welfare to provide your feedback and, while organisations are welcome to provide feedback, we are keen to hear from a wide range of community members.
Final report The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here.
South Australia's new Biodiversity Act
Consultation closes 01 March 2024
The South Australian Government is developing new legislation to protect and conserve biodiversity.
Our state does not currently have a dedicated Act to safeguard biodiversity, instead provisions exist across multiple laws, which has led to gaps in protections.
A new Biodiversity Act will boost biodiversity conservation in our state, while integrating the goals of the Native Vegetation Act 1991, the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 and the Landscape South Australia Act 2019. Importantly the Act will also incorporate the knowledge of Aboriginal South Australians in the management of land and respect for its ecosystems.
PPSA Submission to Biodiversity Act discussion paper FINAL
Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act - Draft Regulations
South Australia’s renewable energy sector is growing rapidly. With our abundant renewable resources, there is tremendous potential for the state to become a global leader in renewable energy production and supply, delivering benefit to all South Australians.
In response to this opportunity, we developed the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act 2023 (the HRE Act) to streamline processes for companies to invest here in large-scale projects. The HRE Act brings issues such as land access, environmental impacts and Native Title rights into a single regulatory framework.
The next step is to establish regulations that provide more details to support the Act’s operation. The government has drafted regulations, incorporating extensive Act consultation feedback.
Consultation on draft regulations is now open - Closes 15 April 2024