In accordance with our Vision and Mission maintaining a presence as the go to organisation to get messages through and to get things done means a positive approach to doing our work in a logical, considered and affirmed fashion, demonstrating the growth in the public confidence of the Dairy Farmer as being a wholesome and dedicated person to the task of producing milk in a sustainable and caring fashion.
Emergency Animal Disease
Australia remains free of FMD
In 2022, an outbreak of FMD was reported in cattle in Indonesia and the response is ongoing. The outbreak has spread to Bali, bringing the disease the closest it has been to Australia.
Avian influenza (HPAI)
A summary of the latest situation of the response to the high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks in Victoria and New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
Importantly, the strains detected are not the same as the H5N1 strain that is causing concern globally.
Effluent Management
December 2023: All South Australian dairy farms received correspondence from the South Australian Environment Protection Agency (SA EPA) regarding dairying and a review of management practices of dairy shed effluent in South Australia.
Open Grants
This page provides a list of available grant opportunities to support your farming practices and the Dairy industries policy outcomes.
Open Consultations
A core function of SADA is to advocate primarily for its members but also the Dairy Industry of South Australia.
In order for SADA to best represents it's members, we need you input across all policy areas in the dairy industry.