Dairy Recovery Concessional Loans 2016-17 Funding
The Australian Government has provided South Australia with a further $10 million in 2016-17 for the provision of Farm Business Concessional Loans, in the form of Dairy Recovery and Drought Assistance Concessional Loans.
The dairy loans are designed to assist commercially viable dairy farm businesses in South Australia who supplied milk in 2015-16 to Murray Goulburn and Fonterra. The loans of up to $1 million, with a current concessional variable interest rate of 2.47%, can be used for debt restructuring, providing new debt for operating expenses or productivity enhancement activities, or a combination of these.
We encourage any business that is considering applying for a loan not to self-assess, but rather to get in touch with our PIRSA assessment team on 1800 182 235 to discuss their proposal. PIRSA staff will also be available to meet one-on-one with dairy farmers as follows:
Mount Gambier
PIRSA staff will be attending the PIRSA Office, 9 Krummel Street, Mount Gambier, for one-on-one meetings with dairy farmers as follows:
Wednesday 14 December 2016 - 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Thursday 15 December 2016 - 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
The meetings will be conducted one on one, to provide each farm business the opportunity to have a discreet and confidential conversation regarding the dairy loans scheme. Call PIRSA toll free on 1800 182 235 to arrange an appointment time in Mount Gambier. If you can’t make it on one of these days, please contact PIRSA on 1800 182 235 to arrange a time in the future.
Other locations
PIRSA staff are also able to meet in person with dairy farmers in other regional locations to discuss the dairy loans scheme. Please call 1800 182 235 to arrange an appointment time.